Unlock the Full Potential of Propstream with this Chrome Extension

ComputeLinks generates PDF contracts on demand, instantly calculates the Maximum Allowable Offer(M.A.O) and with a single click, it effortlessly navigates you to relevant real estate data pages, from real estate data platforms like Propstream.com.

ComputeLinks integrates with real estate investment data platforms like Propstream.com, Propwire.com, BatchLeads.io, DealMachine.com, MyReiPro.com.

Welcome to ComputeLinks, your indispensable Chrome extension for real estate investment data platforms like Propstream.com, Propwire.com, BatchLeads.io, DealMachine.com, MyReiPro.com, etc., ComputeLinks is designed to empower real estate professionals by seamlessly linking property data (from the real estate data portal webpages) directly to related webpages, ensuring maximum speed and productively to all users.

  • Generate Real Estate Contracts Instantly with the ComputeLinks Extension!

Forget wasting time copying and pasting! ComputeLinks is your secret weapon for streamlining contracts. Imagine this: you're working through Propstream, and a you've engaged a promising prospect. With a single click, our extension automatically populates and generates a (PDF, Google Docs and Google Sheets) real estate Purchase and Sale Agreement (from a template tailored to your business), with key details like Seller's Name, Address, County, APN#, Buyer's Signature, and can even populate a Purchase Price (MAO). Stop the tedious data entry and get down to business faster with our contract generation magic. Now you can focus on what matters most - closing the deal!

  • Automatically computes offer, Maximum Allowable Offer (M.A.O.) and displays in Propstream, Propwire, BatchLeads, DealMachine, MyREIPro.

Automatically displays the MAO right next to the estimated property value suggested by various real estate investment data platforms. Uses the industry-standard computation (Property Value x 70% - $10,000) to quickly determine the MAO, guiding wholesalers, flippers, and investors.

Example: For a property valued at $100,000, the extension computes:

$100,000 x 0.7 = $70,000 - $10,000 (fee) = $60,000 MAO.

Remember, this MAO dollar value is computed before accounting for any repair or improvement costs, which should also be deducted.

  • One-Click Convenience!

ComputeLinks displays a cluster of customizable links that will launch users to property data webpages (Propstream.com, Propwire.com, BatchLeads.io, DealMachine.com, MyReiPro.com) that retrieve county specific data, property demographics (Population, Income, Crime Stats, etc.), GISM data (like Google Street View), and MLS sales websites (like Zillow.com). ComputeLinks also calculates a Maximum Allowable Offer (M.A.O) and allows you to instantly skip-trace ownership details on websites (like TruePeopleSearch.com), for each property, ALL IN A SINGLE CLICK! This saves you precious time and allowing you to be more productive and reach motivated sellers faster than ever.

  • Who is this for?

Real estate professionals like Real estate investors, Property analysts, Agents and Brokers Appraisers…anyone who uses real estate investment data platforms can effortlessly access property details across multiple platforms.

NOTE: PropStream is the most trusted provider of real estate data nationwide, empowering real estate investors with the data, investor tools, and marketing solutions you need to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the game. With PropStream, you can quickly research and evaluate properties, both on and off market, to determine if they meet your investment goals. Target motivated sellers, find cash buyers, compare accurate comps, and much more with our easy and accurate filtering systems. If you don't already have Prospstream, click here to sign up for a free 7 days trial of Propstream.com.

Quick Video Overview of the ComputeLinks Chrome Extension

Flexible Pricing Options to Suit Your Needs

Tailored Pricing for Your User Needs

Free (forever) Plan

Designed for casual or new users, providing a straightforward interface with limited customization to simplify the user experience.

Ideal for basic personal or small-scale professional use.



  • Number of ComputeLinks: Up to 3 intelligent links.

  • Customization Options: Predefined property data elements that can be appended as parameters in links.

  • Single Account - Setup 1 Client Or Use For Your Own Agency

As a forever free version, this would be ideal for Casual user, students, or beginner real estate investors.

Premium Plan

Targeted at power users and professionals who require more control and functionality.



  • Everything In the Free Plan

  • Use Case Suitability:

    Number of Intelligent links: Up to 60 intelligent links.

Best suited for professionals such as real estate investors, brokers, appraisers and flippers who demand the time-saving productivity benefits that this Premium Plan provides.

Professional Plan

Our annual plan offers all the advanced features of the premium version at a more economical price, designed for users who are committed to long-term productivity and efficiency. By opting for the annual billing, users can enjoy a significant discount, effectively receiving two months free compared to the monthly premium plan. This plan is ideal for professionals looking to maximize their property data interaction capabilities without frequent billing concerns.

Coming soon!

  • Everything In Premium Plan

  • Cost Savings: Save on the total cost of the subscription by paying annually, making it a smart choice for budget-conscious users without sacrificing any of the premium features.

  • Consistent Access: Enjoy uninterrupted access to the extension’s capabilities throughout the year, facilitating long-term planning and continuous project development.

Our annual plan offers all the advanced features of the premium version at a more economical price, designed for users who are committed to long-term productivity and efficiency. By opting for the annual billing, users can enjoy a significant discount, effectively receiving two months free compared to the monthly premium plan.

Streamlined Administration: Simplify subscription management with a single annual payment, reducing administrative overhead and focusing more on leveraging the extension for your business needs.

Ideal for:.

  • Users who prefer to minimize recurring transaction hassles and enjoy a discounted rate by committing to an annual plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ComputeLinks Chrome Extension?

ComputeLinks is a Google Chrome Extension that utilizes data from Real Estate Investment Data Platforms (like Propstream) with a single click, integrating key property details and launches supporting real estate data websites, saving you time and effort.

The Intelligent URL Links Chrome Extension is a tool that transforms traditional URLs into smart, dynamic links. It allows you to automatically scrape data from web pages you visit and use this data to create customized URLs that include specific data elements as parameters.

What data does the extension integrate?

The extension utilizes core details (from Real Estate Investment Data Platforms’ Data Detail Page) like owner’s address, city, state zip code, county APN# mailing address and user selected text (any test manually highlighted by the user).

The Intelligent URL Links Chrome Extension is a tool that transforms traditional URLs into smart, dynamic links. It allows you to automatically scrape data from web pages you visit and use this data to create customized URLs that include specific data elements as parameters.

Which main real estate websites does ComputeLinks work with?

The extension currently works with Propstream.com, Propwire.com, BatchLeads.io, DealMachine.com and MyReiPro.com (with more integrations coming soon).

The Intelligent URL Links Chrome Extension is a tool that transforms traditional URLs into smart, dynamic links. It allows you to automatically scrape data from web pages you visit and use this data to create customized URLs that include specific data elements as parameters.

What are the system requirements?

ComputeLinks requires Google Chrome and is compatible with any operating system that supports Chrome, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The Intelligent URL Links Chrome Extension is a tool that transforms traditional URLs into smart, dynamic links. It allows you to automatically scrape data from web pages you visit and use this data to create customized URLs that include specific data elements as parameters.

What are the system requirements?

ComputeLinks requires Google Chrome and is compatible with any operating system that supports Chrome, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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Is ComputeLinks secure?

Yes, security is a priority for us. The extension does not store any personal data and uses secure protocols to handle information extraction and integration.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

Is there a cost to using ComputeLinks?

ComputeLinks offers both free and premium versions. The free (forever) version has essential functionality, while the premium version is fully functional and expandable, for a small monthly subscription fee.

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How do I get support if I have questions or encounter issues?

For support, please select the support link at the bottom of this webpage to submit a support request. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image


ComputeLinks development maintains a comprehensive reference database, categorizing links by county and city to ensure accurate webpage links for counties and cities across the country. Although the links to public website data sources are predominantly static, they may occasionally change. Despite our best efforts to keep these nearly 50,000 links accurate, the scope of this task is considerable.

Having trouble with pre-programmed links or receiving a message: "URL not found in reserved database"?

We understand that some of the pre-programmed links in our database might not be working or might be pointing to the wrong webpages. This is because the database was created before we had information on all public website data sources for the ASSR, CLRK, GISM, RCDR, and TRES links.

What can you do?

If you know the correct link: If you've found the correct webpage for a specific county and state, you can help us improve the database! Just submit a message to support and include the following information: State name, County name, Correct website link our SUPPORT PAGE (click here).

We'll then update the reference database with the accurate link.

What are we doing?

Our development team is constantly working to improve the reference database and add links to new public website data sources. We appreciate your patience and help in making this resource more valuable for everyone.

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